No matter how tilted it is, the haste never falls - the reason ...

Have you ever wondered, how sluggish they are, they will never be "fallen"?

With the 7x - 8x young people, the flip-flop toy is no stranger. The familiar toy, no matter how you shake it, shake your left and right, tilt it forward and lean back but hurriedly never fall .

But what kind of mechanism does the slump never fall, you know?

Picture 1 of No matter how tilted it is, the haste never falls - the reason ...
The 7x-8x boards should be no stranger to this toy, right?

We have learned that if we want to stabilize things and not fall down, we must satisfy two conditions:

  1. First, it is a large bottom area.
  2. Second, the weight of the object must be concentrated at the bottom, the weight of the object must be low.

Therefore, if the larger the area of ​​the bottom, the lower the center of gravity, the more stable the object is, not easily falling.

Picture 2 of No matter how tilted it is, the haste never falls - the reason ...
The balance mechanism of slump.

Slump is said to be one of the typical examples of this principle. Play with hankering you know, the body of the flip is very light, only their lower body is heavy. This heavy part can be a piece of iron, or lead. Therefore, the focus of slump is very low.

On the other hand, the lower body is quite big, round and smooth, so it is easy to fluctuate. When tumbling down, it is tilted to one side, the distance between the fulcrum (the contact point between the tumbler and the floor) and the center of the object changes.

Picture 3 of No matter how tilted it is, the haste never falls - the reason ...
The lower body is quite big, round and smooth, so it is easy to fluctuate.

The greater the inclination of the tilt, the larger the distance of the fulcrum with the center of gravity, under the influence of the overturning gravity will always swing around the fulcrum until the old position is restored. Therefore, they will never fall.

In physics this is called stable equilibrium - static objects after being subjected to small impacts can restore the equilibrium of the original position.

Now, you know why the halting even if you "fell" in any direction always "stand up" yourself ?