No planet collided with Earth in 2040

One day after the apocalyptic rumor, the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) gave the good news, that concerns about asteroids colliding with the earth will not happen.

Picture 1 of No planet collided with Earth in 2040
The data shows the asteroid's orbit
2011 AG5 will not collide with the earth in 2040.

Previously, according to calculations, NASA had once feared that the 2011 asteroid's orbit would collide with Earth in February 2040. So the agency regularly tracks its path, and in October astronomers from the University of Hawaii Manoa also observed it.

"According to NASA's Office of Near-Earth Objects Program at the lab in Pasadena, California, the asteroid's risk of hitting the earth in 2040 has been removed," CNN said. by NASA on Friday.

Recent observations with Gemini 8m telescope in Mauna Kea, Hawaii also confirm this.