Not magma, this is the most dangerous thing from volcanoes

Not only has a great impact on human health and climate, but also makes flights delayed.

The impact of the ashes from the volcano is huge. When volcanic eruptions, ash columns can reach several kilometers high, affecting a large radius.

Picture 1 of Not magma, this is the most dangerous thing from volcanoes
Columns of ash may be several kilometers high.

That is why when the signs of volcanic eruption are found, the authorities often advise people to quickly evacuate the surrounding area to ensure safety and limit the number of casualties. .

So what is the composition of the ash and how do they affect it?

Composition of ash

John Maclennan, a University of Cambridge Earth scientist, said that the diameter of these dust particles could include fine glass particles , ranging in size from 10 to 20 micrometers.

They may include many different chemicals, depending on the type or amount of eruption in each volcano. Dust ash can contain quite a lot of silicon, iron, magnesium .

Picture 2 of Not magma, this is the most dangerous thing from volcanoes
Dust ash can include many harmful substances and gases.(Illustration).

The gases mainly produced during active volcanoes are carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride. They have different effects but most are harmful to human health if exposed.

Normally, magma will erupt on the surface and entail many ash when the pressure above is higher than the pressure below.

However, it is worrisome that volcanic ash has a very high dispersion. The vertical dispersion affected by strong winds and ash can deposit hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the volcanic position.

This depends on the height of the spray column, the particle size of the ash and the climatic conditions such as wind direction, humidity . Accordingly, fine ash particles will still be "suspended" in the pot. The atmosphere is about a few days to several weeks and dispersed by high winds.

Scary harmful effects of volcanic ash

Columns of smoke over the volcano when mixed with water can form a thick mud mixture. They have the ability to travel quite a few kilometers at relatively high speeds. With large eruptions, volcanic ash can even travel thousands of kilometers in the direction of the wind.

In addition, volcanic ash can also be returned by substances that precipitate or cling to clouds in the atmosphere .

The most frightening thing is that ash ash seriously affects human health. Too small a particle size can cause breathing problems, eye irritation, skin allergies or even "lung" in the lungs leading to discomfort, chest pain, sore throat and wheezing. .

Currently, the famous island of Bali in Indonesia is showing signs of intense eruption. Specifically, the "giant" volcano began spraying ash as high as 4,000 meters into the air.

Heather Handley, Associate Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney (Australia) said: "Even outside the evacuation area, people should be prepared because ash is really the main danger."

Picture 3 of Not magma, this is the most dangerous thing from volcanoes
Volcanic ash is one of the "disasters" for the aviation industry.(Photo: Internet).

Why are hundreds of flights delayed when volcanoes are about to erupt?

Perhaps many people wonder why hundreds of flights have to be delayed in areas where volcanoes are occurring. Volcanoes erupt with many ash and it is one of the scary "disaster" for airplanes when moving high.

The main component of volcanic ash includes many fine dust particles, glass beads and puree. They can spray on the atmosphere at an altitude of up to 20km (if the volcano explodes). This is the high level of operation of civil aircraft.

Dust ash can wear away aircraft jet propellers, reducing performance. More worrisome is that volcanic dust penetrates into aircraft parts that can damage the flight engine even in the air.

In addition, damaging speed sensors, obstructing the pilot's vision, polluting the cabin, seriously affecting the pressure in the passenger compartment.

That is also the reason why many flights have to delay when volcanoes in a certain area prepare to erupt to minimize air damage.

In particular, as the ashes penetrate the atmosphere and spread, they can block the sun's rays and result in the Earth becoming colder.

Picture 4 of Not magma, this is the most dangerous thing from volcanoes
The Earth can become colder as volcanic ash goes deep into the atmosphere.(Photo: Dailymail).

The fierce volcanic eruptions in the world

Historically there has been so much witnessing that has caused terrifying effects.

One of them was the Laki volcanic eruption in Iceland in 1783. Although it then stopped working, the high mass of lava consisted of many lethal aerosols still hanging in the atmosphere for 8 months. next.

Many toxic sulfur clouds fly around the Earth and cause huge global impacts, causing millions of people to die from illness and starvation. In the summer of that year, the effects of toxic ash clouds cooled the entire Northern Hemisphere and caused about 50% of British cattle to die mass.

The fine, microscopic dust particles in volcanic ash can disrupt or seriously affect the aviation sector in many countries around the world and cause many "scary" effects to global climate. .

This may disrupt or cause serious damage to air travel in popular paradises like Bali in Indonesia.