Octopus crawls through the tiny hole escaping from the boat

A fisherman named Chance Miller recorded an interesting video of an octopus escaping his boat through a small hole.

Picture 1 of Octopus crawls through the tiny hole escaping from the boat
Octopus comes out of the narrow hole to return to the ocean.

Miller said the octopus could feel its way back to the ocean by itself. Because octopus has no bones, they are easy to squeeze through the narrowest spaces.

Feeling dangerous and returning to the water, the octopus wriggled to squeeze through the tiny hole in the boat.

Octopus is a kind of short, soft, oval body, belonging to the Octopoda family living on the seabed. There are about 289 to 300 octopus species on Earth, accounting for more than one third of the total mollusks.