Odd habits of celebrities

The geniuses in the world are not only those who possess high IQ, but they also have odd behavior and habits to eccentricity. They are tireless workers to discover new ideas as well as new ways of thinking, and they are also ready to face the risks as long as something can be achieved. That is worth it. Let's explore the oddly confusing personalities and habits of geniuses in the world to know another aspect of their people.

Leonardo Da Vinci

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Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (born April 15, 1,452 - dawn on May 2, 1519) is an Italian wise man, he is very knowledgeable in areas such as painting, sculpture, architecture, Music, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, inventors, anatomy specialists, geologists, cartography, botany and literature. Leonardo is often described as the archetype of a Renaissance man, a man of curiosity, curiosity, curiosity and discovery, who wants to break through every area besides his passion for playing. I am smart. He is widely recognized as one of the world's greatest painters of all time, and perhaps the most talented man in the world ever.

According to art historian Helen Gardner, da Vinci's research depth is the utopian, facing his eyes that gives people a sense of a " super man, a man hidden in his heart." mysteriously difficult to decipher '. However, according to the character of Marco Rosci, Leonardo da Vinci's vision reflects logical thoughts rather than mysterious elements, and his experimental methods seem unusual in the age he lived.

The life of Leonardo da Vinci speaks of a vegetarian who lives a lot of risks associated with perfectionists as well as those who are often hesitant. However, he won all the artistic quintessence to compose two masterpieces for life, the 'Mona Lisa' and the 'Last Supper'. Leonardo Da Vinci likes to sleep short of the day instead of having to sleep 8 hours at night. The fact that he was one of the first to suffer from attention deficit disorder.

Nikola Tesla

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Nikola Tesla, a Serbian (born July 10, 1856 - died on January 7, 1943) is an inventor, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. He is one of the important contributors in the birth of the commercial electricity industry, and is famous for many revolutionary inventions in the electromagnetic field at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Nikola Tesla's patent and empirical theory is based on the alternating current (AC) system, which includes a multi-phase power distribution system and AC ac motor. The talent of Nikola Tesla contributed to the opening of the Second Industrial Revolution.

This inventor and engineer had his oddly strange aversion to pearls (any woman who wears earrings that if Nikola could see it, he would feel cold in his spine. and headache), in addition, Nikola is also "horrified" by overweight women, allergic to clothes and human hair. His love is a divisor of 3 , this oddity is reflected in the fact that when vacationing at a hotel, Nikola never stayed in any room that did not fit the criteria set in his opinion. . Nikola likes to be single and always considers herself the most perfect inventor, loves the pigeons - he actually "loves" a pigeon girl (the pigeon he said is good). fly to the hotel room where he rented a room every day). When the 'pigeon' died, Nikola felt like his talent was exhausted following the pigeon 'she'.

Thomas Edison

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Thomas Alva Edison (born February 11, 1847 - died on October 18, 1931) is an American inventor, scientist, and businessman who invented many devices that affect life. of humanity all over the world, including record players, motion picture cameras, and electric light bulbs have a long life. Thomas Edison was one of the first inventors to adopt the principles of mass production and teamwork, which had a certain influence on the invention process, and so he was credited with being the brightest Create the first industrial research laboratory.

Thomas Edison is considered one of the most patented inventors in world history, he has 1,093 patents in the US named after him, as well as many patents in the UK, France and Germany. . These include stock stock codes, mechanical recorders, electric car batteries, electric power . His first power plant was built on Manhattan Island in New York.

Thomas Edison believes that people who sleep too much are often very lazy and lazy. Therefore, he enjoyed being looked at by people and praised as a diligent worker. Edison also avoided eating, he ate very little, was lazy to exercise and didn't even like to talk much with his family . things that he thought were extremely wasteful of time.

George Sand

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Amantine (also known as 'Amandine') or Aurore Dupin, (born July 1, 1804 - died on June 8, 1876), famous by the pseudonym George Sand. Although George Sand is regarded as one of France's most famous female novelists, her name is often not recognized as a famous genius, but her IQ stands at 143. George Sand was also a female writer famous for her antics in the eyes of the public.She enjoys wearing men's clothes, smoking cigarettes, living separately from her husband and engaging in illegal work. Basically, George Sand told people that she was not interested in social rules.

Ludwig van Beethoven

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Ludwig van Beethoven (born December 17, 1770 - March 26, 1827) is a famous German composer and pianist. He is considered the most important individual in the transition period between Classical and Romance in the classical Western music, and is considered one of the most famous and influential composers. All Time.

He also has a rather unpleasant temperament and is difficult to get close to his home staff. He was always aggressive with everyone from his lords, relatives and friends. Throughout his life, Beethoven was often reminded and placed under house arrest by his anger and willingness to throw food at the servants and serve in the house, he always accused them of eating Stealing your belongings. Oddly, Beethoven seldom bathes, clothes worn for weeks without craving, food to put on mold, worms but if anyone intends to clean up, he is scolded for no reason. That is why he was 'lame' to his wife, and there was no girl who dared to be close to him.