Otitis media between the fluid

Epidemic otitis media is a middle ear infection that does not discharge from the ear, very common in children, especially children aged 1-3 years. This is a disease that progresses silently, with few symptoms, so it is often not detected in time, leaving bad consequences for hearing, thereby affecting the language development as well as the ability to learn and develop intelligence. of children.

The cause to the illness

Epidemic otitis is the most common complication of VA inflammation. The age of the infection is often VA at most 1-3 years old. When VA is inflamed, the inflammatory process can spread to the atrium (a tube connected from the atrium - the middle ear to the nasopharynx), when the atrium is inflamed it will become blocked. At this point, the ventricular aeration (middle ear) is stalled, which leads to a decrease in the pressure in the atrium, then the mucous membrane of the atrium secrete mucus and causes the chamber to fill up. mucus, affecting children's hearing.

Expressions are easy to ignore

Symptoms of otitis media are very poor, children do not have fever, no earache, very little tinnitus, no discharge in the ear, the only symptom is that the child suffers from loss. That is, children have poor hearing but not very much, they still can communicate but sometimes as lack of concentration, parents often assume that children are busy playing and lack of concentration and that is a mistake. Because hearing loss will gradually increase and affect the language and intellectual development of children.

How to recognize the disease?

Picture 1 of Otitis media between the fluid

Ear examination determines the disease
(Photo: TTO)

Although the symptoms of otitis media in children are very poor, the way of detecting the disease is not difficult. If parents see that their children seem to be hearing poor, have less focus before the sounds and words, they must take their children to the ear, nose and throat specialist. When examining the ear, the doctor will see the eardrum loses its gloss, light, instead of a thick, opaque eardrum, which can sometimes see the fluid level in the eardrum. Single-tone audiometry results in a hearing loss of mild to moderate (less than 20dB) type of hearing (20-40dB), measuring the ear rate will show a flat chart with low amplitude. With these signs, the physician can definitely diagnose a case of otitis media.

Management and prevention

For middle ear inflammation in children, it is necessary to treat the inflammation of the VA disease to avoid recurrence. In order to treat otitis media, the doctor will extract a small hole in the eardrum and place a small catheter, the purpose of which is to make the ventricular aeration, once the ventilator is ventilated it will gradually recover. gradually. To be more effective, the ventilation tube will be done along with VA scraping in one operation.

Preventing diseases for children is to keep the nose and throat clean daily, minimize nasopharyngitis in children. If your child has nasopharyngitis and VA infection, he or she must be treated properly and properly. In many cases, if the inflammation is too severe, it is necessary to conduct VA curettage with the doctor's indication. This is a disease that can be easily diagnosed and treated simply and effectively, but if not detected early, it causes children many consequences of learning and awareness. Therefore, if the child seems to have a tendency to take the child to the examination.

MSc. NGUYEN DUY SON (Central ENT Hospital)