People are able to remember every detail of life
In the world, there is a group of people who possess extraordinary abilities: they can remember every second of every day of life. It sounds very attractive to have such extraordinary ability, but not all people with this ability are happy.
People can remember every detail of life
Researchers have called this possibility 'superhuman memory ' (hyperthymesia), and by November 2013 the world recorded no fewer than 25 such cases.
American woman named Jill Price (42 years) is fascinated by scientists by her superhuman memory. I can remember every detail of my life since I was 10 years old. I can tell you, what did you eat, who you met, what did you do .
There are still no satisfactory answers to this special ability. Just knowing that, with Jill Price, it was a terrible thing not a heavenly grace.
Ms. Jill Price said: 'For everyone it is a great gift and it is an obsession for me, a terrible burden'.
8 years ago, she contacted the neurologist - Professor James McGaugh and presented her phenomenon: 'My memory is extremely good, it is like a plastic film, can not be erased. ' - according to ' USA Today '.
Sister Jill Price describes her life as two parts: The normal life is a series of images of the past that appear before her eyes, even in her sleep. Scientists were very embarrassed and asked her to cooperate to research to clarify this complex issue.
Jill Price moved with her parents to her new home from the age of 8, and since then Jill Price discovered her 'unforgettable' ability.

Scientists are studying the human brain.
Ms. Jill Price produced a special diary recorded from the time she was 10 years old to 34 years old - a blessing for scientists. She chose 1,460 randomly and randomly in countless tests and recounted the events that happened on those days, just as she had written in her diary.
Although Jill Price is capable of being different, she feels that it is a bit unhappy, she said: 'Remembering some good things makes me feel good and reassured. But when I recall all the losses, the injuries and the things that frightened me, I felt like I was paralyzed. '
Then there were the cases of Brad Williams, Rick Baron, and in 2009, Bob Petrella became the fourth person to be diagnosed with hyperthymesia syndrome.
'I also find it hard to believe that sometimes I remember something very well and then I realized that this happened 40 years ago. I don't know why. It's natural for me, 'says Bob Petrella.
Actress Marilu Henner revealed on December 19, 2010 that she could remember every day of her life since she was 11 years old. And the cases of amazing memory continue to appear.
Dr. James McGaugh, who interviewed some people with superhuman memory, said: ' To me, the most surprising thing is that this superhuman memory is real. It is possible that we store all the information, all the experiences, somewhere in our brain. We all have this ability, but only a few are able to access that ability, and the vast majority of us do not. Human brain has this amazing ability '.
According to Professor James McGaugh, all these people have a slightly different brain shape and most of them are left-handed .
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