Phone batteries can be made from stool

Scientists have found a natural process that occurs in bacteria in human faeces that can be used to produce bio-batteries.

>>> Development biological battery can eat

Picture 1 of Phone batteries can be made from stool

It is hoped that this discovery will help produce energy for mobile technology such as phones, tablets and laptops.

A study from the University of East Anglia (UKA) found that both human and animal feces contained bacteria. That bacteria 'breathes' with iron minerals, just as we breathe with oxygen. The battery will be charged in the process of 'breathing' . Electrolysis is generated from cells, similar to taking electrical wires at home.

Leading researchers at the UEA School of Biochemistry say, "These bacteria can produce electricity in the right environment. This is an interesting advance explaining how some strains of electrons move from the inside out of the cell. "

Last July, Bristol Robotics scientists proposed to develop the world's first smartphone battery cell in the urine. While many people may have stuck their noses to the source of energy, scientists say it is the ultimate 'output product' and does not depend on the diffusion of wind and sunshine.