Phone battery operated for 20 years in a row

Scientists have just released an atomic battery capable of sustaining the phone for 20 years in a row.

Picture 1 of Phone battery operated for 20 years in a row
The new battery can last up to 20 years without charge.

Nuclear batteries operate on the basis of nuclear division. Many are afraid of the danger posed by exposure to radiation in their pockets. But you can be assured because the inventors have calculated very carefully on their products.

The active ingredient in the atomic battery is tritium . Radiation is caused by tritium decay, which is considered safe, and does not harm even the top layers of the skin.

Manufacturers assure that the battery can withstand temperatures from -50 degrees Celsius to 150 degrees Celsius and the voltage is stable under any conditions do not change.

An atom battery to charge your phone is a great success of nanotechnology. The most common types used in electronics (cameras, digital camcorders, music players ... and cell phones) are capable of delivering 50 to 300nA of electricity and are used continuously for 20 years. .