Phone can take electricity from human body

In the next two years, we will most likely witness the human body supplying electricity to electronic devices such as phones and tablets.

Scientists have found a way to produce electricity from body heat, movement and vibration in our bodies. Roger Highfield, a scientist at the Museum of Science Museum, said the machine that produces electricity from the human body will power personal phones, tablets, music players, and medical devices.

The birth of a human electromagnetic machine will have tremendous significance. For example, people using a pacemaker must replace batteries in the device after a few years. But if they bring a generator with piezoelectric phenomena (mechanical force to create electric current), they will have a long-term energy source, so they do not have to undergo dangerous surgeries and expensive to replace batteries for pacemakers.

Picture 1 of Phone can take electricity from human body

Ceramic, crystals and many other natural materials can generate electricity if they are subjected to mechanical stress. In addition, mechanical forces produce electricity in biological materials in human bodies, such as DNA and bone.

Many researchers have tried to generate electricity from humans. For example, East Japan Railway Company tested a passenger electric treadmill. Experts from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US have created a system capable of generating electricity from human footsteps in public places.

Professor Tom Krupenkin, a lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States, asserts that if you put salt in the soles of shoes, people can generate enough electricity to supply electronic devices like phones. , player.

'We predict that generators from the human body will appear in the market within two years' , Krupenkin said.

Some scientists warn that machines that produce electricity from the human body can cause a lot of trouble. For example, the type of clothing that generates electricity from the body heat may cause the user to feel cold, because it absorbs heat from the body. Similarly, salt solutions in shoe soles can cause pain for users if they walk on long distances.

Even so, skeptics acknowledge that generators from human bodies have great potential.

'Potions that produce electricity will generate electricity for the mobile phone when you cook noodles. The movement of the washing machine can power wireless sensors, and your button press will generate electricity for the TV controller , ' said Laurie Winkless, an expert at the UK National Physics Laboratory. , comment.