Pregnant women like alcohol, children are susceptible to epilepsy

A recent study by scientists at the University of Queens, Ontario (Canada) showed that women who drink during pregnancy cause their babies to have a higher risk of epilepsy than those with normal child.

Picture 1 of Pregnant women like alcohol, children are susceptible to epilepsy

Scientists have found that babies of mothers who regularly drink during pregnancy are at high risk of epilepsy. The study was conducted by investigating 425 people aged between 2 and 49 and their mothers used to drink alcohol during pregnancy.

The results showed that only about 1% of these people had epilepsy, but up to 6% had neurological disorders - very easily converted into epilepsy. Meanwhile, 12% of these people have had at least 1 seizure on their muscles.

Dr. Dan Savage, a neuroscientist at the University of New Mexico, said: "The results of this study once again prove that mothers use alcoholic beverages during the bearing period. Pregnancy will increase the risk of their children's neurological problems, which have also been mentioned in our previous studies. '

Therefore, Dr. Dan suggested that scientists and medical organizations around the world need to have propaganda campaigns about the harmful effects of alcohol on mothers during pregnancy and need more. This is into the current maternal and child health care program.

According to the latest statistics, about one in 100 children in the world suffer from birth defects caused by mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Previous studies have also shown that children of women who drink during pregnancy are at a higher risk of alcoholism and depression than normal children when they grow up.

Source: Daily Mail