Preserving flowers

Please introduce to her how to preserve some flowers.

Tuplip flower : The flower is most beautiful in the glass vase. Just drop the flower into a vase naturally, editing it a little is a beautiful vase. About colors: if a girl likes elegant colors, she can combine white, red or pink. Meanwhile, hot colors are a combination of orange and yellow. This style creates an impression in the room.

Preservation: Tuplip flower is a type of cold family line, durability usually lasts 5-7 days if the vase is kept in a cold room. When plugging cold ice into the bottle plus 2 tablespoons, this is a nutrient for growing flowers, changing water once a day. Slowly flowing ice will help fresh flowers longer.

Roses : This is a favorite flower on holidays, roses are mentioned in many other newspapers. How to plug roses is very rich, can be plugged simply with white or sophisticated ball flowers in the basket and bundle. Wanting fresh flowers for a long time, girls should cut flower stumps once a day. In the evening, bring flowers to the mist for the flowers to " inhale " the air. You should cut off the stained petals to always have a fresh vase of flowers.

Picture 1 of Preserving flowers


Roses are a type of flower that cannot withstand the wind, so avoid windy places like windows, balconies . The most important requirement for long-lasting fresh flowers is to clean water. For this, when arranging flowers, you should prune the leaves under the root, wash them thoroughly. When the flowers wither, can slope back to keep the dried roses.

Carnation : is a fairly durable flower, the same way of caring for roses. The basic steps are to cut the root, trim the leaves . Similarly, you can apply this care with chrysanthemum and some other flowers.

Lily (arum) : When flower arrangement , cut the root, take a bandage tape under the base of the flower to prevent the root from getting out. Because the body of the flute is a tube body (hollow body), the body is easily crushed. If stored well, lilies can be plugged in very durable. In addition, you should also change water daily.

Lyly flowers : This is a very durable, fragrant flower. About 2 days change water once. Bathe cool flowers by spraying water daily.

A beautiful vase is not a fancy flower vase, expensive, fresh flower arrangement trend is becoming more and more simple and natural.