Preventing birth defects for babies

Although the causes of many birth defects are still mysterious, doctors understand the reasons for some cases, and how to prevent them. Minnesota Health Committee said before and during pregnancy, you should:

- Eat folate-rich foods, or foods high in folic acid. This deficiency can lead to neural tube defects. To prevent that, your good diet is dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, oranges and orange juice, bread and cereals.

- Before and during pregnancy, taking a daily multivitamin contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid.

- Check with your doctor before you become pregnant, and check regularly during pregnancy.

- Stop drinking alcohol while trying to get pregnant, and never drink alcohol during pregnancy.

- Make sure the medicines you are taking are safe for pregnancy. Ask the doctor again.

Picture 1 of Preventing birth defects for babies

(Artwork: Thinkgreenstore)