Recipe for burgers

British scientists have found a recipe for the perfect bacon sandwich, after 1,000 hours of testing over 700 different types of popular cakes.

Experts from the Faculty of Food Sciences at the University of Leeds said the secret lies in the crispness of ham slices. Four researchers tested different slices of meat slices, cooking methods, cooking oils and cooking time at a range of temperatures.

A shortened list continues to be checked by computers to measure the texture of the piece and 50 volunteers also evaluate each piece of sandwich. The scientists who found the best would be 2-3 pieces of smoked meat cooked in a preheated oven, within 7 minutes, at a temperature of 240 degrees C. The meat would be placed between two slices of bread thickness of 1-2 cm.

"We often think that the taste of meat is what consumers find most attractive, but our research shows that the texture of the meat and the crispness of the bite are the most important," said the researcher. save the top Graham Clayton said. Picture 1 of Recipe for burgers

The team even gave a formula:
N = C + (fb (cm). Fb (tc)) + fb (Ts) + fc. me


  1. N = Newton force needed to break the cooked meat.
  2. fb = Function of bacon,
  3. fc = Function of spice effect,
  4. Ts = Cooking temperature,
  5. tc = Cooking time,
  6. ta = Spicy time,
  7. cm = Cooking method,
  8. C = Newton's force needed to break the piece of uncooked meat.