Record the longest living cat in the world with new owners

Corduroy, a 26-year-old male cat from the United States, has just been recognized by Guinness World Records as the longest living cat in the world.

Corduroy - the longest living cat in the world

According to Live Science, Corduroy was recorded last week, more than two months after Tiffany Two - the cat who kept the record holder died at age 27.

Picture 1 of Record the longest living cat in the world with new owners
Corduroy, a 26-year-old male cat from the United States.(Photo: Guinness)

Franny Syufy, a cat expert, has an average lifespan of 12-15 years . Therefore, Corduroy's 26-year-old living record is remarkable. He said, with domestic cats, if well cared for, can live up to 20 years old.

The owner of the cat, Okura, said Corduroy was born on August 1, 1989. Okura is only 7 years old when he adopted him. Okura is "thrilled" when he learns that his pet is recognized by Guinness . She bought it a mouse on this occasion.

According to Guinness, despite being a record holder , Corduroy is not the longest living domestic cat in the world. The new Creme Puff is the longest living cat, when it reaches 38 years and 3 days.