'Recorders' in the animal world

Rhino beetles can carry 850 times the mass of the body, while the flagfish are capable of moving at 109 km / h . These are called recorders in the animal world. .

Picture 1 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

Since thousands of years ago, people have known how to use the power of Asian elephants and African elephants to serve in wars: use them as a means of transportation. An elephant trunk contains about 100,000 muscles and can lift 270kg.

Picture 2 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

Compared to elephants, rhino beetles are too small. But if we compare the mass-weight ratio, this species is probably the world's strongest: they can carry 850 times the body weight. If people have such power, they can lift 65 tons!

Picture 3 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

The lopsided tick is recorded in the record book as the highest jumping insect: it is capable of jumping up to 70cm in the air despite being only 6mm long. If humans are capable of this insect, they can jump as high as 210m!

Picture 4 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

The African antelope with its long and slender legs is also known as the record-breaking leaping beast: when threatened, it immediately leaps off with a jump of about 10m and 3m high.

Picture 5 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

In 2007, a migratory bird named Limosa lapponica established a record of migratory birds flying continuously over the longest distance. Within nine days it flew 11,500 km from Alaska to New Zealand without stopping to eat or drink. At the end of this journey its weight dropped by more than half.

Picture 6 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

Seagulls are also capable of flying far from the record. These road immigrants can move 64,000km annually from New Zealand to the northern hemisphere to find food.

Picture 7 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

In 2005, a great white shark named Nicole was recorded as the longest migrating shark: it moved a 20,000km long route from Africa to Australia for nine months. The navigation system shows that Nicole has spent a lot of time on the water that scientists believe uses signs in the sky to navigate when traveling.

Picture 8 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

The fastest fish in the world is the flagfish, with movement speed that can reach 109 km / h on a short distance. They often hunt in groups by using an impressive dorsal fin to gather sardines or fish grown .

Picture 9 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

Cheetah (cheetah) currently holds the record is the fastest moving animal on land: it can run at 96 km / h and reaches this speed in just 3 seconds. However, this leopard species takes a lot of energy for the hunt and can only run a short distance of about 274m.

Picture 10 of 'Recorders' in the animal world

The falcon is named "speed king" in the animal world. They hunt by dive down prey (cuckoo, pigeon .) at 322 km / hr, capture prey in the air with sharp claws, then land on the ground to tear off and eat.