Recreate Mars's cloud on Earth

Scientists recently said it is possible to recreate the atmosphere of Mars in a giant cloud chamber at the decommissioned nuclear reactor in Karlsruhe, Germany.

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A three-storey high cloud chamber located at the Center for Atmospheric Research (AIDA) is often used by scientists to create an artificial environment similar to Earth. When adjusting the temperature and humidity needed, scientists can create cirrus clouds like the kind of cloud on Mars, Nature World News said.

According to researchers from the Massachusetts American Institute of Technology (MIT), the temperature in Mars is much lower than the Earth's temperature, the clouds on this planet often have an average humidity of about 190%, larger. very much compared to the conditions of cloud formation on Earth.

Picture 1 of Recreate Mars's cloud on Earth
Photo: Nasa

When conducting the experiment, the researchers will lower the temperature inside the cloud chamber until it reaches 84 degrees Celsius to create breeding clouds on Mars. Although this is an extremely low temperature, but compared to the conditions on the red planet, this is only 'a warm summer day'. Meanwhile, the lowest temperature that clouds can form on Earth is minus 63 degrees Celsius.

Within a week, all 10 clouds were created with a cloud formation time of 15 minutes. The team can evaluate by measuring the scattering of laser light directed at the clouds.

Mars formation is the basis for understanding how water and the circulation of water in the atmosphere take place on this planet.

In the coming time, the study will be with a more modern cloud chamber, allowing to create colder temperatures or close to frosty conditions on Mars.