Red blood snail is found in Australia

Scientists have discovered giant pink snails and carnivorous snails in a remote area of ​​Australia.

Both giant pink snails and carnivorous snails are found in the Kaputar mountain area near the city of Narrabri in Australia's state of New South Wales. Pink snail species are up to 20cm long, while carnivorous snails attack the prey that consumes plants.

Picture 1 of Red blood snail is found in Australia
Giant pink snail Triboniophorus graeffi.

Local people have long seen pink snails especially after heavy rains, but recent taxonomists have confirmed this species to be the same species as the red triangle snail, whose scientific name is Triboniophorus graeffi. .

The pink snail appears from the time when the Gondwana supercontinent has not been separated 180 million years ago. They live only on the peak of Kaputar mountain. Some of the same species of slugs with them are also found in New Zealand and South Africa.

Pink snails, often hiding under the ground under the leaves during the daytime, but sometimes in the evening they often appear as a herd of hundreds to eat soil and moss on the trunk. Meanwhile, carnivorous snails are also thought to live only in the Kaputar mountain area and eat only other snails in the area.

Picture 2 of Red blood snail is found in Australia
Carnivorous snails in the Kaputar mountains of Australia.

Both giant pink snails and carnivorous snails are thought to have originated in eastern Australia once covered largely by tropical forests. After a volcanic eruption about 17 million years ago, the area became arid, leaving only a few small areas with tropical forest conditions. These are areas of invertebrate animals that can exist.

Because pink snails and carnivorous snails are rare and typical animals in the Kaputar mountains, the New South Wales state science committee has recently decided to include the area in the list of "ecologically threatened communities." dangerous'.