Red squirrels are about to become extinct

According to a recent study by British scientists, Red Squirrel will become extinct within 20 years.

Picture 1 of Red squirrels are about to become extinct
Red squirrels will become extinct within the next 20 years

According to research by scientists at Oxford University, the number of red squirrels has decreased by more than 50% over the past 50 years due to the strong development of the city, the failure of government conservation efforts and the war between Soc. Red with Gray Squirrel and only 20 years from now we will no longer see them.

Red squirrels, also known as Eurasian squirrels, are omnivores, live on trees, belonging to the genus Sciurus . Squirrels have a body length of 19-23cm, weigh about 250-340g.

In addition to red squirrels, European urchins, wild squirrels, wild rabbits, wild cats are also on the threatened list in which the number of European urchins is declining seriously from 30 million individuals in the 1950s to now 15 million, According to the report of the Wildlife Conservation Society of Oxford University.

Although many British mammals have decreased significantly in the last 25 years, some other species have stabilized or even increased in the last decade such as hamsters, otters .