Remote identification device

US scientists have tested a scanner that identifies a person from a distance of 12 meters.

The remote identity scanner

When a vehicle passes through the scanner area, its scanning software will "capture" the driver's eye image through the rearview mirror, combined with the data to identify the person. In the test, the Carnegie Mellon University team's identification device could identify an object at a distance of 12 m.

Picture 1 of Remote identification device
Eye scan technology can help a security camera or other device identify a person from up to 12 meters away. (Photo: ShutterStock)

According to the research team, the technology works similarly to fingerprint identification. Like the fingerprints, the black circles of different people and mathematical models can detect this unique point. While fingerprinting requires direct contact or extensive screening, scanning technology is carried out from a distance.

UPI said the new method could be applied at the airport security checkpoint , saving time and identifying dangerous passengers. However, despite its high degree of convenience and safety, this device is not yet universally applicable to all audiences. In a recent survey by the University of Oxford, UK, many people are uncomfortable with wireless biometric technologies.