Reptiles in danger of extinction

According to biologists, the ancestors of reptiles appeared on Earth about 300 million years ago. Currently there are about 9,000 reptiles in the world. They are facing a high risk of extinction.

200 biologists from around the world participated in the risk study for reptiles through 1,500 randomly sampled species. The results show that one out of every 5 species of reptiles is considered to be at risk of extinction due to the loss of habitat, which is the main activity of humans. Snakes, turtles, crocodiles, lizards . are struggling to survive the environment to survive.

19% of reptiles are classified as in danger of disappearing from the green planet. Of the threatened species, 12% are considered critically endangered. 41% are classified as endangered and 42% are easily extinct. Research results have been published in the journal Biological Conservation.

Picture 1 of Reptiles in danger of extinction

The London Animal Association and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) say the biggest threat to reptiles is that their habitats are seriously damaged under human impact such as destruction. Forests, agricultural development, logging, urban development are rampant . Reptiles living in freshwater environments, tropical and island areas are at greatest risk with 30% of species on the shores strains.

The study warns that up to half of freshwater turtles are not only affected by habitat but also threatened by international trade. Terrestrial reptiles are at lower risk, but some species are restricted to separate habitats or low mobility is also weighed under human pressure.

In Haiti, of the nine Anolis lizards, up to six species face a high risk of extinction because deforestation is spreading on the island. The report also specifies three species of which are extremely dangerous because in recent searches experts have failed to find traces of two species.

The Daily Mail quoted experts as saying that not only is particularly sensitive to environmental changes, reptiles also play an important role in the ecosystem, they are both prey and prey for species. other.