Rescuing sea turtles was broken by humans

After being dragged by a group of people to take a selfie photo and hitting the head with a stick, the turtle is lucky to escape thanks to the rescue team.

Picture 1 of Rescuing sea turtles was broken by humans
The Quan Dong turtle suffered many serious injuries after visitors took it to shore to take pictures.(Photo: Animals Lebanon).

According to National Geographic, the Quan Dong turtle experienced a painful moment on Havana beach in Beirut, Lebanon last week, when people dragged it ashore, stood on the apricot to take a selfie photo and then was beaten with a stick. The female suffered many serious injuries, including a broken head bone, and could have died if it was not rescued by Lebanon's Animal charity and taken to a new place.

At the facility of Animals Lebanon, turtles are treated with antibiotics and X-rays. " The injury is very obvious. The blows that it suffers break the top of the head and the seawater enters its sinuses , " the agency representative said. The employees of Lebanese Animals are working with veterinarians to help the turtle recover. If left untreated, the injury can cause the turtle to die.

The Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) is in the list of endangered animals . The number of these turtles is declining due to pollution, fishing by nets and nesting areas invaded by humans. The largest of the hard-shell tortoises, the Co-operative turtle possesses a large head, strong teeth, and reddish-brown apricot teeth. Adult males have a shell almost one meter long and weigh about 113 kg.

Quan Dong Turtle lives all over the world, except for extremely cold waters. They mainly eat fish and invertebrates. From the age of 25, female turtles often cross thousands of kilometers back to the beach where they were born to lay eggs.