Research helps identify the richness of the face

American researchers have made a judgment about a rich man with a special facial recognition on his face.

Men with short, wide faces are often said to be aggressive and racial biases. Recent research by American scientists shows that people with large faces are often richer than those with small and long faces.

However, the wealth of this broad-faced person is accompanied by another difficulty, that is, they will encounter a few obstacles in business negotiations . But experts point out, people with wide faces often don't easily bow to social pressure, so they will overcome and touch success.

Picture 1 of Research helps identify the richness of the face
Trader Alan Sugar .

To draw this conclusion, experts conducted a survey with people with large and long faces, slim. Accordingly, volunteers join a compromise to get their bonuses.

As a result, people with a broader face are more likely to lie to the opposite, wisely earning higher bonuses. The rest can only compromise the average bonus.

Picture 2 of Research helps identify the richness of the face
. or Wayne Rooney has a wide face.

In the second negotiation, those with wide faces played the role of a buyer and bought a lower price than a narrow-faced man.

The third task that volunteers must complete is to provide the necessary creative solution to minimize asset compensation. The result is similar to previous times, men with wide faces always fulfill their tasks well.

Picture 3 of Research helps identify the richness of the face

The head of the research - Professor Michael Haselhuhn of the University of California, said: " People with broad faces are able to give the person facing the trust, along with ingenuity . so it is easy to achieve. From there, they will become more successful and rich ".

The study was published in The Leadership Quarterly.