Revealing the strange disease Charles Darwin had

A leading Australian scientist suggested that Charles Darwin, the author of the theory of Origin of all species, died of Cyclic and syndrome.

Picture 1 of Revealing the strange disease Charles Darwin had

Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882)

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) is a famous researcher in naturalology. He was the one who discovered and proved that all species evolved over time from common ancestors through natural selection.

If evolution is accepted by the scientific community and the public in Darwin's time, his selection theory in the 1930s is seen as the main explanation for this process, and today become the foundation for modern evolutionary theory. Darwin's discovery is a unified theory for the biological sciences because it can provide a rational explanation for species diversity.

Darwin gained a lot of success in his scientific research career, but his life was associated with constant illnesses. According to previous documents, Darwin often has stomach pain, headaches and heart disease symptoms. For the rest of his life, he was constantly tortured by stomach pain, vomiting, severe burns, abnormal heart beats, tremors and other diseases. The cause of his illness is still unknown.

Despite this, in the British Medical Journal article, Professor John Hayman, working at Monash University (Australia), thinks Darwin may die from a cycle of vomiting syndrome ( Cyclic storage syndrome). Like regular vomiting, cycle vomiting syndrome often has symptoms of vomiting, headache, stomach pain.