Many people believe in both gods and science

The majority of participants in a large survey admitted that they believed in god's existence, although they were very knowledgeable about the evolutionary theory of great scientist Charles Darwin.

The British Council polls more than 10,000 people in 10 countries, including the UK. The results show that 54% believe in gods even though they know that life on earth grows thanks to natural selection process. Only 19% say they no longer believe in the gods after learning the evolutionary theory of the great naturalist Charles Darwin. This theory is presented in the book The Origin of Species published 150 years ago.

Picture 1 of Many people believe in both gods and science

Born Darwin 150 years ago, Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Origin " is still a controversial topic. (Photos: Wikispaces)

The city of London is a place where the proportion of people who believe in god created the world far higher than the rest of England. 23% of people in London oppose evolutionary theory, while the average number of fog countries is 16%. Of the more than 10,000 respondents, up to 45% of adults said they had heard about Charles Darwin but had little understanding of his doctrine.

Dr. Fern Elsdon-Baker, director of the British Council's Darwin Now program, commented: " The survey shows that even in the big cities of developed countries, many people are still vague about one of the The most fundamental doctrines of science: Charles Darwin's achievement is based entirely on true evidence, his doctrine is the foundation of modern biology, but until today, people continue to struggle. arguing about his theories ".

However, Mr. Elsdon-Baker confirmed the purpose of the survey is to understand the role of science in social life today, not the image of God or Charles Darwin in people's thinking.

Picture 2 of Many people believe in both gods and science

Charles Darwin, the father of Evolutionary Theory (Photo: Telegraph)