Surprised revealing about the place of

The house of Vanir gods is called Vanaheimr, which is extremely famous in Norse mythology. The gods in this land are famous for their prophetic talent, which can predict the events that will take place in the future.

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In Norse mythology, Vanaheimr - the home of the Vanir gods - is one of 9 worlds and one of the 3 worlds in heaven.

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The gods at Vanaheimr are associated with fertility, fertility, wealth, wisdom and prophetic talent.

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Vanir gods are also known as powerful magic masters.

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According to some anecdotes, Vanaheim is located west of Asgard.However, no one knows the exact location of this place.Vanaheim is also described as a peaceful and prosperous land.

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The house of the Vanir gods - Vanaheimr represents the world of water, with the symbol of light breeze bringing life from the West.

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The symbolic color of Vanaheimr is green, dark blue, brown and yellow and red.

Picture 7 of Surprised revealing about the place of
When the battle between the two worlds Aesir and Vanir ended, the three gods from Vanir were the Njord - the sea god and the wind - two children: Freya and Freyr came to live in Asgard.