The US government is close to revealing secrets about aliens

The US government has come close to revealing a series of allegations related to aliens, a shocking new report by a group of people hunting unidentified flying objects (UFOs) said.

According to this group, the US government is holding evidence of the presence of aliens and unidentified flying objects. The team also said that since the incident in 1947 in Roswell , a strange object thought to be a flying saucer crashed on a farm, the US government did not reveal evidence of the appearance of outsiders. Earth.

At that time, US officials claimed the fallen object was a weather forecast balloon, but a year later identified the falling object as a device to monitor and search for nuclear threats. in the sky.

Picture 1 of The US government is close to revealing secrets about aliens
The US government is hiding the world about the existence of aliens?

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14, who died in February this year, revealed that there was a staging program after the incident to make sure the public never found out about aliens. visited Earth.

And Paul Hellyer, a Canadian army general, also stated, it is a fact about the existence of aliens.

Mr. Paul Hellyer said: " After considering a lot of evidence in an effort to distinguish who said the truth, who did not, and I have conclusively concluded that those who think they have seen or was a UFO who saw secret documents about UFOs, or saw ruins from an accident at Roswell on July 4, 1947, who were telling the truth. "

Picture 2 of The US government is close to revealing secrets about aliens
The article about the incident in 1947 at Roswell.

UFO experts also insisted that, at the end of the year, the truth about Roswell and the whole story of alien presence on Earth will be revealed by US President Barack Obama when he ends. end of term.

Stephen Bassett, CEO of Model Research Group, said: "I think Obama will be the president of information disclosure. I believe that 85% of Obama will reveal aliens. at the secret Area 51 military base before he left office. "