Riding 'riding' birds on the air

The small black paddle actively attacks Burmese flower kites when it is struggling with prey.

Picture 1 of Riding 'riding' birds on the air
Flying down to close to Burmese kites are trying to eat snakes.(Photo: Liu Chia-Pin).

Picture 2 of Riding 'riding' birds on the air
The loose bird stands on his great bird of prey.(Photo: Liu Chia-Pin).

Wildlife photographer Liu Chia-Pin recorded a Burmese kite encounter with black paddling in Taipei, Taiwan, Sun reported on July 20. Go crazy to start approaching the big predator when it is sitting on a tree branch, trying to eat a snake to catch it.

"The kite flower is about to eat snake and unexpectedly will come down. The small bird approaches the flower kite and attacks. This animal often has aggressive behavior in front of larger birds. Even rowing is still standing. on the flower kite's back when it flies away, " Liu said. However, the flower kites finally escaped from the paddle.

Black goose is a small Asian bird commonly found in India, Iran and Sri Lanka. The adult is only about 28cm long. Meanwhile, Burmese flower kites live mainly in Asian forests. This bird of prey has a dark brown color with round yellow eyes, round wings, under the wings there are many white hairs and relatively short tails. They possess a very loud cry and often hunt reptiles like snakes. Burmese flower kites mate late in winter and lay eggs in the late summer.