Risks when pregnant women are stressed

Young mothers who are stressed during the 'election' can make the child later develop asthma and allergies. This result was published by US researchers at an American Thoracic Society (Toronto) conference last Sunday.

Picture 1 of Risks when pregnant women are stressed Dr. Rosalind Wright of Harvard Medical School in Boston said that mothers who are often stressed by financial problems or relationships in their daily lives can hurt their developing immune system right away. in pregnancy

Wright and colleagues found that mothers who were less stressed during pregnancy may have higher levels of IgE (Immunoglobulin - IgE), even Even mothers are less likely to be allergic during pregnancy.

The researchers measured the amount of IgE in the umbilical cord of 387 newborn babies in Boston. Wright said: 'Stress can be seen as a pollutant, affecting the immune system.'

Dr. Andrea Danese, who works at London University, has followed 1,000 people in New Zealand from birth to age 32 and found that: Those who have experienced stress in childhood, through forging harsh practice or sexual abuse, their temperament at the age of 20 is more likely to be excited than other normal people.

This agitation is thought to be a reaction of proteins and immune cells, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and diabetes mellitus. Danese echoed, "Stress in childhood changes the child's developmental pathway and has long-term effects and risk of disease later."

Such stress or abuse will make children psychologically inhibited, and gradually lose their ability to react to stress, even leading to depression and other neurological conditions. He also advised that, if unfortunately for children to go through these stressful days, quickly help them to prevent common diseases that can be acquired by adulthood. But young mothers are best advised to avoid stress during the time of raising their children, especially during pregnancy to avoid unnecessary risks.