River dolphin first appeared after nearly a century

Scientists have discovered a new river dolphin in Brazil, for the first time since another species was discovered in 1918.

The new river dolphin is named Araguaian boto and has the scientific name Inia araguaiaensis . They were discovered by researchers in the river Araguaia, Brazil.

Picture 1 of River dolphin first appeared after nearly a century
Araguaian river dolphin boto.(Photo: BBC)

Araguaian boto dolphins have fewer teeth and smaller body sizes than other dolphins. Their identity is a long and small mouth that scours the fish in the mud in the river.

The researchers say this is the first time a river dolphin has been discovered since 1918. The results show that the dolphin has some similar characteristics to other river dolphin species. in the Amazon River two million years ago.

According to Popsi, about 1,000 Araguaian boto dolphins are living in the Araguaia river basin. Scientists believe this species should be included in the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) list of endangered animals.

River dolphin is one of the most rare and dangerous animals in the world. In front of Araguaian boto river dolphin, the researchers discovered 4 other river dolphin species. According to IUCN, these three are at risk of extinction. The river dolphin was discovered nearly 100 years ago from extinction since 2006.