Robot care ornamental plants

A team of researchers at Rutgers University (New Jersey) has successfully implemented the IndaPlant project, which successfully created the home blooming robot.

Picture 1 of Robot care ornamental plants
Robot is bouncing bonsai - (Photo: Rutgers University)

Faunaborg (robot name) will help bonsai pots move around the room in the direction of the sun to help pot plants optimize the absorption of light. In addition, this robot also measured the moisture of the plant pot, when it is short of water will send a warning to the owner.

With three wheeled wheels, Faunaborg carries out self-propelled work, thanks to its light sensor, which locates the need to travel and avoids obstacles.

Interestingly, Faunaborg also uses solar energy to operate, so it seeks light for bonsai and also finds its own light.

"The purpose of this study is rather poetic," says Dailymail Professor Elizabeth Demaray. "The bonsai is not entirely dependent on human care.