Techniques for fertilizing ornamental plants, ornamental flowers

Fertilizing is an important step in planting and care of ornamental plants, if properly fertilized, ornamental plants will be fresh, beautiful and flowering, and produce more leaves according to the needs of the growers.

Planting and caring techniques need to pay attention to many steps, including fertilization techniques. Fertilizing is a double-edged sword, if done correctly, ornamental plants will be provided with adequate nutrients, lush growth, if done wrong, ornamental plants may wilt, die, even die.

Fertilizing for ornamental plants is one of the important measures of cultivating ornamental plants. The key to fertilizing is the correct application of the required tree and the right amount of fertilizer. Applying the right amount of fertilizer requires a good understanding of how much fertilizer to apply, if too little is applied, it will not work, but too much fertilization will not only meet the requirements but also make the branches dry.

Picture 1 of Techniques for fertilizing ornamental plants, ornamental flowers
Planting techniques attach great importance to proper fertilization

Here are the notes when fertilizing plants:

Liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer is an option to quickly improve the yellowing of the plant. However, special attention should be paid to the dosage on the package, it is okay to use less, but if more, the tree not only does not grow well, but it can also develop roots, disguise, or deteriorate. . Apply about three-quarters of the dosage listed on the package. Before watering, it is necessary to moisten and reach the soil, enabling the plants to absorb.

Picture 2 of Techniques for fertilizing ornamental plants, ornamental flowers
Improper fertilization of planting techniques is sometimes harmful

Fertilizer composition

Fertilizers usually contain 3 basic ingredients: N, P, K, corresponding to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. Nitrogen needs for leaves, Phosphorus needs for roots, Potassium needs for flowers. Depending on the purpose, users should choose the ratio of ingredients in the fertilizer accordingly.

Fertilizer season

Note that fertilizing in the period of seedling growth, the flowering period should apply phosphate fertilizer to benefit the flowering plants, in addition to pay attention to the fertilizing season, summer-spring fast-growing plants can be applied more In the fall, the plants grow slowly, so the fertilizer is low, and in winter, no fertilizer is required.

Number of application

The number of fertilizing times is also an important issue, so fertilizing many times, but the amount of fertilizing each time should not be much, not apply too much, too thick. The period from the spring establishment to the general collection 1-2 weeks of fertilizing 1 time, deep into the collection every 2-3 weeks to apply once, to freeze without fertilizer.

Picture 3 of Techniques for fertilizing ornamental plants, ornamental flowers
Not only planting techniques, ornamental flower care techniques also need reasonable fertilization

Fertilizer time

Usually fertilizing in the evening, especially paying attention to the hot season should not be applied at noon, because high temperature of the stool is easy to cause damage to the roots. Also before watering the manure, it is best to plow through the soil in the pot, so it is beneficial to penetrate the roots.

Some flower growers have summed up the experience of fertilizing as follows: "4 more, 4 less, 4 no, 3 cavalry ", of which "4 more" is more fertilizer when (1) yellow, weak, (2 ) before budding, (3) flowering of flower buds, (4) after flowering season, "4 little" is applying less fertilizer when: (1) healthy plants, (2) sprouting, (3) blooming flowers, (4) rainy season "4 no" is not fertilizing when: (1) trees grow tall, (2) when planting, (3) hot sunshine, (4) resting plants. (1) solid fertilizer, (2) hot composting, avoid fertilizing in the summertime at high soil temperature, (3) root rot, avoid when planting bring flower roots directly in contact with the perineum Lined lining, must separate a layer of soil.