Robot chess board

The 23-year-old American University student nicknamed FunGowRightNow12 has just created an odd chess board. This is referred to as the 'chess robot', which allows players to fight each other, though hundreds of miles apart.

>>> Video: Robot chess

Picture 1 of Robot chess board
Electromagnets receive instructions from
a microprocessor of the flag robot - (Photo: Daily Mail)

Especially, this is the first remote robot chess game that players must directly play by hand and witness the opponent's moves in a lively way.

This flag is named Arduino Powered Chess , wireless, and works thanks to the electromagnetic peaks below which help move the pieces up, down, left or right.

Players will directly control the chess pieces at the robot chessboard, then the chess pieces with the chess moves will be the same on the opponent's chessboard, who may be hundreds of miles away.

The instructions for performing the chess are transmitted by a microcontroller called arduino.

Currently, the student has not sent detailed designs of the chess board to the science council, but he will soon send it after presenting the design to the professor who will guide him on April 10.