Robot learn

Are you surprised to discover a self-taught robot and even run around a research lab in California?

This robot is called Dexter. The robot made the first step of exploration after learning to stand up straight from the past few days. It is part of a six-year independent research project called Anybots.

According to the designers, their robots are different from other commercial robots that are able to learn from the mistakes they make.

"The legroom robot now available in the market, like Honda's Asimo , is different from our own, since all of these robots are programmed, " said Blackwell, who created the team. before launching to make a move.

The research team is currently working with companies in the field of industry to transfer this research to bring robots to replace humans for malicious work. The robot will adjust itself and adapt to the environment and human-like rules. This is better than using a dedicated pre-programmed robot.

The team hopes Dexter will learn how to run in the next few months.

Picture 1 of Robot learn
Dexter learns by analyzing 20,000 movements per second (Image: BBC)

Picture 2 of Robot learn
Robot block filled with gas (Photo: BBC)