Robots help couples to kiss from afar

Scientists are building a robot head that can sense and transmit pressure from the lips, helping couples to kiss from a distance.

Picture 1 of Robots help couples to kiss from afar
The device allows couples to kiss each other remotely. Photo: Kissenger.

Scientists are working on a robot robot that couples can kiss from afar, Sun said on Dec. 19.

It works using software from Kissenger, the world's first virtual phone-kissing application. The application includes a silicone mouthpiece connected to the phone. Once the user places the lips on the device, it senses the pressure from the lips and sends them to their loved ones, making their plastic lips move at the same time.

Manufacturers are working on a robot head that works the same way. In addition, the user can put the perfume of the lover into the device, feeling like smelling the smell from real people.

"We wanted to make a silicon head to complete a kissing robot, and it would use the same technology on the mobile phone, and we would attach the sensors to the robots. , Said Emma Yann Zhang, maker.