Russia has just discovered a rare lichen

Russia's Ita-tass news agency reported on August 12 that its scientists have discovered a rare rare lichen named in the International Red Book, at Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the Kamchatka Peninsula (region). Far East of Russia).

This place is also the 4th place in the world where rare and precious lichens are discovered.

This type of lichen only grows in primeval coniferous forest, not affected by human activity. The shape of the new lichen is different from the usual lichen species, with typical colors and hierarchical shapes similar to Christmas trees.

Picture 1 of Russia has just discovered a rare lichen

Scientists say lichens only grow on old pine branches, and are sensitive to any changes in the environment. Only small changes in humidity, temperature and light can harm the lichen.

In addition to Russia's Far East, this lichen can be found on the Atlantic coast of Norway, Canada and on the Pacific coast of the United States.

If you look at the trunk of the tree we see there are patches of gray-green scales adhering to the bark. That is the lichen. Lichen is a special kind of creature formed by symbiosis between some types of algae and fungi.

The mycelium absorbs water and minerals to algae. Algae, thanks to chlorophyll, use them to make organic matter that feeds both sides.