Russia invented bio-hybrid equipment to help early diagnosis of cancer

Russian media on October 23 reported that scientists in the country both had a device for early diagnosis of cancer and tuberculosis.

According to Alexander Panfilov, research leader of Russia's Advanced Research Projects Fund, this is a bio-hybrid device , and to be effective, this bio-hybrid system needs to be used. Use the mouse as a "device" detector.

Picture 1 of Russia invented bio-hybrid equipment to help early diagnosis of cancer
The successful diagnosis rate when using this system is more than 90%.

The ability to early diagnose cancer and tuberculosis of this biohydride device is calculated based on a mathematical device created from electrodes attached to the mouse.

This mathematical device is responsible for interpreting the rat's circadian rhythm when its receptor responds to tumor elements from human breaths.

Through testing, this diagnostic system is capable of detecting early or second stage cancers through a patient's breath analysis data in a very short time.

While for cases of lung cancer in stage 2 and 3, the successful diagnosis rate of using this system is more than 90%.

At the present time, bio-hybrid diagnostic method consumes 5 minutes. However, Russian scientists have set a goal to reduce the diagnosis time to 1 minute.

In fact, a series of similar systems are being developed around the world, but Russian scientists have become pioneers of the first truly effective device.