Satellite weighs 1 ton preparing to fall to Earth

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently announced that an artificial satellite weighing about 1 ton is about to fall to Earth uncontrollably.

>>>The satellite measures the attraction of the Earth to the end of fuel

According to experts, GOCE satellite will fall towards the Earth in the period from 11-11 November.

Picture 1 of Satellite weighs 1 ton preparing to fall to Earth
GOCE is tasked with mapping Earth gravity

However, no one knows exactly when and where that particular satellite will fall. Most likely, this one-ton satellite will break into 25-45 pieces before touching the Earth.

GOCE was launched into orbit by ESA in 2009 with the task of mapping the gravity of the Earth. GOCE has run out of fuel last month, and scientists understand that losing control is an inevitable outcome.

However, ESA said, public opinion does not need to be too concerned about this phenomenon. The reason is that, every year, the Earth still has to catch 37,000 - 78,000 tons of meteorites, ie about 101 to 214 tons per day. That means, getting 1 ton more from GOCE is nothing to worry about.