Scary story about vampire castle in Transylvania

Besides the legend of Count Dracula, Transylvania is also famous for the creepy legend of Hunyad Castle, a famous vampire castle .

Vampire castle in Transylvania

A grisly, painful story about Hunyad castle - the vampire castle in Transylvania that has circulated to the present makes many people shudder, chills.

Hunyad Castle also called Corvin in Hunedoara a wonderful building dating from the 14th-15th century, part of the Duchy of Transylvania. It is believed to be the place of Wallachia's bloodthirsty Count Vlad III (commonly known as the bloodthirsty Count Dracula) who was imprisoned for 7 years in a dungeon after being deposed in 1462.

Interestingly, Hunyad castle has a tower named Nje Bojsia (meaning "Don't be afraid") by Serbian mercenaries who fought in this castle.

Picture 1 of Scary story about vampire castle in Transylvania
Hunyad - The vampire castle is the place where tragic stories of three Turkish prisoners appear.

For a long time, the local people circulated anecdotes about the Hunyad castle being terribly haunted . One of the horror stories that occurred at this vampire castle is related to three Turkish prisoners .

Accordingly, one of the castle owners, Iancu , made an agreement to release three Turkish prisoners if they were able to dig water from the cliffs.

Precisely because of the promise to be released, three inmates have been digging for 28 years and finally dig the vein. However, unfortunately, when they dig up the water, the owner of Iancu castle dies. At that time, Iancu's wife didn't care about her husband's old promise with three prisoners. Therefore, the castle's mistress ordered the beheading of three miserable prisoners.

Before death, three prisoners wrote on the castle walls bitter words about the Iancu family's disrespectful action: "There are people who have water to use but don't have hearts " and wrote the name of I added it myself. Today, visitors can see the above words written in Turkish.