Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)

In this article, please continue to introduce some of the facts that we have been mistaken for a long time. There are things that seem to be obvious, but they are actually fuzzy. There are things that are thought to be well understood, the results may still be mistaken. Life's story goes on and on, it's hard to predict, it's hard to guarantee right and wrong.

>>>Scientific facts mistaken (P1)

1. Different parts on the tongue feel different flavors

Picture 1 of Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)
The taste buds on the tongue.

Long time ago, in health classes, practitioners were still taught that different parts of the tongue took on the role of distinguishing different flavors. The tip of the tongue recognizes the sweet taste, the sides of the tongue detect salty taste, the end of the tongue is bitter, the central area is to determine the sour taste. These insights have been widely recognized by the scientific community for a long time.

Picture 2 of Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)

However, there is a kind of taste that all parts of the tongue can feel, that is umami taste. For a long time, scientists still debate whether umami is really a basic taste; but in 1985, at the Umami International Scientific Conference held for the first time in Hawaii (USA), the term Umami was officially recognized as a scientific term. Although umami is described as having a sweet taste of meat, with a lasting taste, causing salivation and spreading throughout the tongue, it is still not easy for translators to translate the correct word 'umami' into other languages. . Therefore, the word umami remains in all popular languages, including English, Spanish and French . The different parts of the tongue all feel this Umami. Therefore, not, different parts on the tongue feel different flavors as we know it.

2. Blood on veins is blue

Picture 3 of Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)
Blood is red, not green.

This is really unbelievable, but there are people who wonder, probably inside a vein with blood blue, we can see many such blue or purple blood vessels appear on the skin. Actually, things are not too complicated. Your blood is still red, no matter where you are. The blue or violet color you see on your skin is due to lighting conditions, or it is the initial manifestation of varicose veins. Purple spider veins can be seen directly on the skin, which is an early stage of venous disease. Therefore, if you see blood vessels in the body appear purple, be careful and check your health regularly. Better safe than sorry! Blue is not caused by blue blood, but an expression of illness.

Picture 4 of Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)
Varicose veins: early diagnosis is better.

3. Chameleon changes colors to match the surroundings

When referring to chameleon, we cannot fail to mention the ability to launch the tongue with the dizzying speed and swimming ability of this animal. However, the most outstanding ability of chameleon makes people pay attention, perhaps the ability to change colors. However, the chameleon changing color is not closely related to hiding itself into the surroundings to evade enemies as we thought. According to scientists, the color of chameleon changes is due to changes in air temperature, humidity . But the more important factor that leads to color change is psychological change, feelings of chameleon. When the chameleon is angry, worried or afraid of being attacked, it will change color.

Picture 5 of Scientific facts are mistaken (P2)
Do you see the chameleon?

Sometimes changing colors is also the way of chameleon communication, which can be a message of inviting a partner, or warning an enemy. In order to become a famous reptile for its ability to turn color, chameleon must rely on chromatophores. Chromatophores are pigment cells that play an important role in changing the color of this reptile. We can also find chromatophores on the skin of some fish species. The colors that chameleon changes or are the green of the leaves or the brown of the stem. Although it is the two main colors, it is also in these colors that there is a difference in the lightness, dark light. Each color that the chameleon is wearing on people is also very attractive, unique and diverse. The fruit chameleon deserves the name of a masquerade master in the animal world.

There are many other facts that exist but still are misunderstood by many people. People still have a lot of questions that they want to answer, to learn about the world around them. Wishing every reader will cultivate more and more new and interesting knowledge.