Scientists believe that aliens may be indigenous to Earth

Throughout human history there have always been mysteries that challenge our imagination. The light of science illuminates the frontiers of knowledge, but beyond this light, there are still unknown areas waiting for us to explore.

In recent years, some scholars have put forward an interesting hypothesis: Mysterious alien visitors actually do not come from distant galaxies but are products of Earth itself - Earth residents. ancient land. These ancient Earthlings were technologically advanced far beyond ours. At some turning point in Earth's history, they foresaw a devastating disaster. To survive, they had to leave their homeland and embark on a long journey to escape disaster.

However, even though they have become wanderers in space, they still do not forget to return to Earth regularly to check and observe the changes of this planet. This theory may sound like the plot of a science fiction novel, but looking at archaeological discoveries in recent years, it seems we need to rethink this possibility as well.

Picture 1 of Scientists believe that aliens may be indigenous to Earth
Scientists believe that aliens are actually ancient Earth people. (Illustration).

Archaeologists have unearthed incredible ruins of prehistoric civilizations around the world. From 300-million-year-old screws to a 2-billion-year-old nuclear reactor, these discoveries challenge our understanding of Earth's early history. Of course, we cannot draw conclusions based on just a few unusual archaeological finds. But as these findings accumulate and form a pattern, it becomes necessary to reconsider them all.

However, when it comes to records of prehistoric civilizations, the most widely circulated in the world is probably the magical 'Mayan Prophecy' . According to Mayan prophecy, our current human civilization is Earth's fifth solar age . In other words, before our arrival, Earth had experienced four civilizational extinction events, and all civilizations in the previous four solar epochs were destroyed by cataclysms.

This leads one to suspect that the civilizations that have existed on Earth may have been far more numerous than the few recorded in the Mayan prophecy, and that there may have been many more civilizations. The ancient world is still hidden and we cannot fully understand it yet.

Picture 2 of Scientists believe that aliens may be indigenous to Earth
 Earth has had five mass extinctions, even after the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Illustration).

In the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth, there have been 5 mass extinctions. Even after the extinction of the dinosaurs, the Earth was still in constant chaos. Over the past tens of millions of years, Earth has experienced multiple ice ages, volcanic eruptions, and a series of asteroid impacts, any of which could have had an impact. cruel to life.

When Earth faces harsh, irreversible environmental changes, intelligent life must find new habitats and leaving its homeland becomes an inevitable choice. Therefore, it becomes urgent for intelligent life on Earth to spread to other planets.

Famous physicist Hawking repeatedly warned humanity throughout his life that if humanity wants to escape the fate of destruction, it must find a way to migrate to other planets, otherwise extinction will result. Humanity on Earth is inevitable. Now humans are working to colonize Mars in hopes of building a new home there. This raises an interesting question: before modern humans appeared, were there any advanced civilizations that left Earth?

Picture 3 of Scientists believe that aliens may be indigenous to Earth
Human civilization is just a recent moment. (Illustration).

If Earth's 4.6 billion-year history were condensed into a single day, the appearance of Homo sapiens would only take place in the last few minutes. And human civilization is just a recent moment. We have become accustomed to believing that human civilization is the only intelligent civilization on Earth because we have found no evidence of intelligent life older than humans. But this perception can be misleading. 

No matter how advanced intelligent civilizations are, as long as their buildings, machines and infrastructure are made of earthly materials they will eventually collapse, rust, erode and be damaged. Nature devours. Even the greatest civilizations are just a drop in the ocean compared to the history of Earth's geological evolution.

The Negev Desert, the oldest remaining landform on Earth, is only 1.8 million years old. Over time, plate movement turns land into oceans and oceans into mountains. Even if traces of civilization remain beyond Earth, such as on the Moon or other celestial bodies, these traces will disappear over time. Taking the Moon as an example, although the Moon is not eroded by wind and water, the footprints and equipment left by the Apollo project will also be gradually eroded by the Sun's ultraviolet radiation and meteorite impacts. .

Dinosaurs have existed on Earth for 200 million years, but until now humans have only unearthed a limited number of dinosaur fossils. And by comparison, humans are still a very short-lived species compared to Earth's history. Even if intelligent creatures in the future discover human fossils, they may still think that humans are just ordinary primates.

The same goes for other intelligent life forms that may have existed in the past. Although they existed a little longer than Homo sapiens, they were still short-lived in geologic history and are unlikely to have left behind a large number of biological fossils. Even if humans came across some of them, they probably wouldn't pay much attention.

Picture 4 of Scientists believe that aliens may be indigenous to Earth
This anomaly caused by human activity is the clearest mark we leave on the future. (Illustration).

Some scholars believe that "chemical fingerprints" can indirectly prove the existence of advanced civilizations. One of the most important traces left by humanity is the carbon emissions generated by industrial civilization, leading to the global greenhouse effect . This extraordinary global event caused by human activity is the clearest mark we will leave on the future.

So, did a similar situation exist on Earth before modern civilization? Evidence of some truly extreme climate events has been found throughout Earth's long history. One of them is the Paleocene-Eocene thermal extreme , which occurred about 55.5 million years ago. The Earth's average temperature has increased by 5 to 8 degrees Celsius in a relatively short period of time. Scientists believe this may be related to the large amounts of carbon released into the atmosphere, which has surprising similarities to today's climate change caused by human activity.

Additionally, some theories suggest that our ancestors may not have been the only intelligent species. Some archaeologists and researchers suggest that there may have been an unknown advanced civilization on Earth that possessed technology far beyond what we know. At some turning point in Earth's history, they had to leave their homeland, and even though they migrated to another habitable planet, they still did not forget to return to Earth regularly. Mysterious ruins and UFOs that regularly appear around the world seem to hint at their existence.