Scientists predict when humans will become immortal

"Digital" technology transforms thoughts from body to machine that will contribute to human immortality.

Picture 1 of Scientists predict when humans will become immortal
Accelerating the relationship between people and robots will help people immortal after 32 years.

Machine learning technology is reaching a new level. The neural network will help scientists make an exact copy and "transfer" the thoughts of the post-mortal person into the body of the robot device, TimeGuide writes.

In the direction of such human evolution, English futurist Ian Pearson advocates the rapid start of human-robot relations .

However, Pearson said the technology has its own "pitfalls" . According to the futurist, due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, after transferring human thoughts to the robot body , the two "management systems" will be very difficult to exist in a digital space, and reason can become a "hostage" of artificial intelligence.

According to Pearson, the solution to this would be to create a neural network , not to interfere with human thoughts and to fully obey his commands. The futurist He notes that the technology of transferring ideas to robots will help people get a "second" life and make them immortal after 32 years .