Scientists in Sweden are experimenting with making digital copies of the memory files of the dead that allow communication between the dead and the living using the artificial
Many scientists and billionaires believe that human immortality can become a reality, thanks to the mind-splitting technology that exists independently of the body.
Scientists have proved that immortality will bring unhappiness to our own lives.
The precious documentary images of a British photographer reveal the mysterious world of those who believe they will be revived by science in the future.
In the 1960s, experts at the Frozen Association in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) tested a method that could help immortal people.
According to scientists, the human body can stay young over time based on blood cells themselves.
Topic about
A US company claims the preservation technology and transplanting human brain into another biological body can help the dead to regenerate and longevity forever.
Immortal life, controlling the weather or communicating in the mind ... are the technologies expected to appear in the 22nd century.