Secrets in the ancient tomb with cut-off skeletons

The team of researchers in Panama recently published conclusions about ancient tombs with skeletons cut off in South America and Central America on the Science Alert website.

According to an article published in Science Alert, experts from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama said the ancient tomb with these severed skeletons is not evidence of mass sacrifices, a suspect. The macabre, bloody consciousness of the Indians, as the previous opinion of American archaeologist Samuel Lothrop.

Picture 1 of Secrets in the ancient tomb with cut-off skeletons
Skull skull was discovered during excavation of the ancient tomb.(Photo: Science Alert).

Earlier in 1951, the expert group led by Samuel Lothrop scientists found the Vienna Playa tomb in Panama. The excavation process, which discovered 202 skeletons, is expected to date between 550 and 850 years BC and then 167 other remains.

In 1954, the group of archaeologists published a report describing the tomb. In it, he concluded that the skeleton discovered that dead people were sacrificed. According to him, they may be the victims of mass sacrifices.

However, in the new study by experts at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, they examined 77 remains of corpses found during excavations; Besides, analyzing some archives, taking notes and pictures taken during Lothrop's excavations.

Experts at the Smithsonian Institute said that most injuries were caused before they died, in which many wounds were healed before being buried. In addition, the jaw bone opened on the remains that Lothrop considered a "live burial" sign, the Smithsonian Institute scientists explained that this was the result of muscle relaxation after death.

Experts also said that the chaotic arrangements of the ancient tomb indicate the fact that Panama's indigenous peoples have carried out the burial of the remains (previously buried in temporary graves). ).

The results of the analysis coincide with other studies on the methods of mourning Colombian money and colonial Panama, asserting that lothrop's conclusions are wrong, the researchers said.