See rhino 'painter' painting

The famous rhino, Mechi, is considered the most 'big' painter of the time. It's not an art critic's assessment but everyone has to admit it. How can it be 'the biggest' when he weighs more than half a ton?

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At the Mesker State Park in Indiana (USA), there is a painting whose fame comparable to Picasso's is not exaggerated - the picture of the rhino artist Mechi.

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Mechi is creating his work right in the iron cage. (Photo:

This small rhino embedded a pen into the palette, but the pen was not a short horn on the nose - this part didn't feel emotional - but the upper lip. The rest is just a technical issue because the upper lip inspired his art to the people who saw the painting.

Mechi was brought to the zoo three years ago from Nepal. My father didn't know where because he was born as a result of a 'fleeting love affair' between his parents.

His mother was unfortunately murdered by poachers to get the horns sold to the Chinese healers because the oriental medicine considered it the most valuable medicine in the world, the value was even higher than gold. He was more fortunate to be rescued by the local people and brought to the United States in time.

Mechi was passionately drawn during the long months of winter, when he could not dress himself in water (because the water was too cold for him) and warmed in the sun (because this season was not sunny). So the zoo staff came up with a way to teach him to draw so that he would not be sad. He was very passionate about this painting art.

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A work of Mechi. (Photo:

Mechi's first works are very unique in drawing 'statues' . Every time he finishes drawing, he grabs on the muzzle of bananas, carrots, potatoes . embedded in different colors and puts it 'consciously' - as zookeepers say.

Currently, rhino artists paint dozens of paintings, sell in local galleries and become more and more famous.

Mechi's paintings are used very significantly: All are contributed to the International Fund to save rhinos from extinction. It means that he is very useful for his fellow humans, who currently live in Africa.

Mechi sends his soul into an 'abstract' painting.