See the boundary between the sea and the horizon

See to see that the sky and the sea always bring beautiful pictures that make people watch .

Photographer Adriana Echavarria-Eisenhower who lives in New York has spent the last 15 years capturing sea-side moments of silence in Montauk, Long Island.

So what makes you go to take those photos that when you look at them, we think that they are "similar", "naive" images and only change in colors?

When looking closely at these photos, it is a scene that captures the boundary between the sea and the horizon in different light-changing angles. So what is the intention of the author to bring, or merely honor the natural beauty and offer an abstract message?

The horizon (or horizon) is a clearly visible line separating the ground from the sky.

Picture 1 of See the boundary between the sea and the horizon

When standing from the shore and looking out to the sea, the waters near the horizon are called offshore .

Picture 2 of See the boundary between the sea and the horizon

In English, the word "horizon" is derived from the Greek "ὁρίζων κύκλος" (horizorizn kyklos) - meaning "split circle".

Picture 3 of See the boundary between the sea and the horizon

It is also understandable that, due to the spherical Earth, in the field of perspective drawing, the horizon is considered a straight line.

Picture 4 of See the boundary between the sea and the horizon

Before humans invented radio and telegraphy, the distance to the horizon visible on the sea is extremely important because it represents the maximum range of communication and foresight.

Picture 5 of See the boundary between the sea and the horizon