In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was shaped like a flat, round or square disk, and to this day some people still believe in the Flat Earth theory.

350 years ago, Swedish fishermen simultaneously fell ill after witnessing many strange objects (UFOs) dancing in the sky.

Optical illusion makes the Moon become huge when close to the horizon is the most famous illusion in the world, but no expert can give correct answers.

Five planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be lined up in a straight line this month and the event is visible to the naked eye.

From today until the end of the week, people in Vietnam will have the opportunity to admire the clear triangular light blocks on the horizon.

See to see that the sky and the sea always bring beautiful pictures that make people watch ...

Mikel.gasca account shared on Newsflare video recording the dramatic sunset in Donostia, northern Spain on June 14, according to MSN.