Pentagon line up in the sky

Five planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be lined up in a straight line this month and the event is visible to the naked eye.

Picture 1 of Pentagon line up in the sky
Five planets form a straight line in the night sky.(Photo: Victoria Museum).

According to Australian Geographic, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will stand in line between January 20 and February 20.

Dr. Tanya Hill, a senior expert at Melbourne Australia Astronomical Station, said the event will recur in August this year and October 2018. According to Dr. Alan Duffy, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia, Mercury will appear very close to the horizon, so the event monitor needs to choose the observation position far away from high-rise buildings or trees. theater.

Venus and Jupiter can be seen quite clearly in the sky and Mars is very prominent with red light."We can observe this wonderful thing with the naked eye in the night sky , " Dr Duffy said.