Serious poisonous soap bites make the victim urinate blood

Unlike the snake, the poison-bearing tiger god bites the victim with respiratory failure, heart failure and muscle paralysis, and the Boomslang green snake injects a poison that causes the victim to bleed from the internal organs, bleeding out any of the holes of body like eyes, nose, root and even urinary tract leading to death.

Boomslang snake snake (scientific name Dispholidus typus) is a poisonous snake snake with an average length of 100-160cm, with a length of 183cm.

This snake has a large eye, an egg-shaped head, a male with a bright green color with a blue and black head, the female may be brown, with fangs 3-5mm long and nearly 0 in diameter. , 5mm. In particular, this snake has a pretty good vision on par with normal people.

Picture 1 of Serious poisonous soap bites make the victim urinate blood
A Boomslang male snake is terrifying poison.

The Boomslang snake mainly eats small amphibians such as lizards and toads, occasionally eating some small mammals, birds and bird eggs by swallowing. Cases of previous Boomslang bites were recorded very little. Even in the early 1950s it was thought that this snake was harmless to humans.

The first case of the death of a Boomslang snake was bitten by Karl P.Schmidt from the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. He was bitten by a young Boomslang snake on his finger while checking the zoo. But Schmidt's death was really shocked by the silent mechanism of the toxin caused by the Boomslang snake. After being bitten, the victim felt completely normal but after 24 hours was bitten he was comatose, brain damage and death.

Donovan, a snake expert who described Schmidt's death due to the Boomslang snake biting in Reptiles Magazine, said: 'Schmidt's death changed our perception of the Boomslang, and The final analysis of its venom is found to be a toxin, if not very toxic, that is passed through many of its front fangs. Today, the Boomslang is ranked as one of Africa's most unique snakes. '

Notably, the toxin of the Boomslang green snake not only causes external symptoms such as headache, nausea, drowsiness, anxiety but also causes coagulopathy . The cause of snake venom contains hemotoxin , a chemical that can destroy red cells, cause coagulopathy, decrease in organ function and tissue degeneration.

Picture 2 of Serious poisonous soap bites make the victim urinate blood
Boomslang green snakes stand up like ambush tree branches.

More frightening, victims who develop toxins will cause brain and muscle haemorrhage, which can cause blood inside to leak out all the vents in the body, such as gums, nose, eyes, ears , and even even if the victim accidentally suffered a minor injury. Not only will the blood flow out through the stool, urine, saliva, vomiting and so on, causing the victim to die.

The Boomslang green snake can expand its mouth to 170 degrees to attack human hands and feet. However, the dangerous thing is that the poison from its bite often silently developed for a long time that many people did not know about this snake subjectively did not timely cure.

Only after a few hours, even a day, the victim is beginning to see symptoms, even if a victim reports that he or she has seen a 'yellow spot' due to bleeding in the eye.

It is known that Boomslang is a native snake in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to its terrifying toxin, the Boomslang is also known as a snake capable of camouflaging prey. It can stand up like a tree branch to ambush its prey.