Sexual problems in men after age 50

Medically, at the age of 50 there are important biological changes and the beginning of the pathogens that appear. Chronic diseases are more visible, habits such as drinking alcohol, tobacco, and burnt-out youthful youths have flared up. Cardiovascular diseases, excess fat, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatism, prostate hypertrophy . appeared.

Changes in men

One of the problems that men are most concerned about in their sex life is whether or not sex is quality, especially when " on the bottom don't listen "!

Penis erection function (DV) in older people depends largely on psychology. Physiological disorders such as illness, the consequences of everyday habits such as alcohol, tobacco will be a " punch " on that ability.

Picture 1 of Sexual problems in men after age 50 It was found that even at the age of 40 the cells of the testes began to degenerate, replaced by collagen fibers, the amount of testosterone decreased gradually leading to reduced sexual desire, sparse intercourse rate. The smooth muscles in the body that surround the blood vessels in the penis under the effect of adrenalin and the sympathetic system that contract more frequently make the penis size look like elastic, more time to stimulate the erectile DV. okay, ejaculate sooner, the quality of sexual activity deteriorates.

The natural psychological response to this man's downward sexual ability is to avoid the truth, he tries to find a way to justify his weakness as tired of work, health, the spouse is no longer attractive, annoyed by the job and another reason . Physically, the changes can be seen as easily as obesity, the amount of fat accumulated in the abdomen. more and more, the breast is bigger, the testicles and DV are smaller, the beard is less developed, the muscles are no longer as firm as the youth. All are images of a deficiency of testosterone levels.

Two outstanding problems at the age of 50 after men are premature ejaculation and impotence.

Premature ejaculation is one of four conditions of impotence. In addition to the factual causes accounting for a small percentage, most of them are due to psychological causes.

Erectile dysfunction is also known as erectile dysfunction or ED. It is a very delicate matter and it is very difficult to say or communicate with even his wife.

This failure gradually creates a mark and this has formed a conditional psychological reflex that makes it easier for men to lose confidence in their " male abilities ". This will gradually dominate the psychology of the patient and begin to change the patient's personality as irritable, frustrated, always uncomfortable and angry.

It is difficult to measure the level of economic and social damage caused by sexual trouble. Patients tend to move themselves in a different direction, less active, more philosophical, find elegant pleasures . The spousal activity is markedly reduced, intercourse only takes months or months, desire for intercourse increases but intercourse is not possible. These two states are in conflict with each other very strongly in the early stages of serious change of personality. Later, the man gradually subdued before being unable to do anything. Sexual satisfaction and happiness of the body are only memories of the past.

In this case, it is necessary to have an accurate diagnosis, to find out the cause. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a physical cause but always has a psychological cause. Patients need to be examined in general to find out the causes of physical diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, neurological diseases; blood glucose tests, cholesterol, blood testosteron concentration assessment, penis sensation assessment for vibration, radiography, DV angiogram, cavernous angiography .

Other sexual desire decline with impotence, but it is one of the psychological causes of this condition through stress.

For older people, proper, proper sexual intercourse is the best form of exercise, it has a comprehensive effect on the muscles, moderately increases heart activity, increases breathing, movement of limb joints and spine, improves health.

After age 50, men and women have more time to think about each other, they are no longer busy with children, temporary material life is stable, no longer afraid of being pregnant, mature and mature. than. At this age, they realize that happiness must seek, to cherish, to cultivate to keep it new, it is new and sexual pleasure is also the same.

Women need to be proactive and proactive of wife in sexual activities is often an important motivation for men to be excited quickly, this is also a factor to maintain the sex life of couples. couple after age 50.